Articles for tag: Althusser, Bertolt Brecht, Critical Theory, Marxist

Karla News

Gang of Four and Pop Music as Marxist Critical Theory

On their second album Solid Gold, the postpunk rock group Gang of Four openly assert their intention to approach pop music as critical theory with a song titled, appropriately enough, “Why Theory?” In answer to their own query of why critical theory should have a place in rock music, the band sings “Each day seems ...

Karla News

John Osborne: The Angry Young Man of the English Theater

The press release for 26-year-old John Osborne’s first produced play, Look Back in Anger, which opened on the 11th anniversary of Victory-Europe Day (May 8, 1956), called the dramatist “an angry young man.” After the stunning success of the play, the term “Angry Young Man” became the abel for a generation of Englishmen born before ...

Karla News

John Heartfield: Pioneer in Photomontage

John Heartfield was born Helmut Herzfeld in Germany in 1891. Heartfield’s reputation as an artist is built upon his innovative use of photomontage techniques and his unapologetic political engagement. The political strain in Heartfield’s art has its roots in his tumultuous upbringing. Socialists and political activists, Heartfield’s parents were convicted of blasphemy and fled Germany ...