Articles for tag: Behavior Issues, Chore Charts

Karla News

Free Printable Reward and Behavior Charts for Children

Are you having difficulty motivating your child? Are you having issues with your child’s behavior? Or are you looking for ways to teach your child a sense of responsibility and accountability? My question to you is this, “Have you ever considered reward or behavior charts?” As parents, we ask ourselves these questions everyday and everyday ...

Karla News

Why Does My Dog Urinate on My Bed?

Some dog owners report the problem of a pet urinating on their bed. When an animal urinates in an inappropriate location it could mean many things, or a combination of things. It could be the result of a physical problem, an emotional matter or it could stem from dog behavior issues. You must determine why ...

Karla News

The History of Spanking

When looking at our past history, it can be seen as quite barbaric in nature when looking into the history of spanking, a form of corporal punishment with the earliest recordings as far back as the 10th century B.C Solomon’s Proverbs. There were many torture devices used in order to gain confessions or obedience such ...

Karla News

Can Dog Training Cause Dog Aggression?

Dog owners beware! There is evidence to show that some dog training methods can actually make your dog aggressive. A study (Survey of the use and outcome of confrontational and non-confrontational training methods in client-owned dogs) showing undesired behaviors was conducted by the Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of ...

Karla News

Parent Tips on Child Behavior Management

Are you feeling frustrated because you’re having a difficult time managing your child’s behavior? Are you unsure how to go about managing your child’s behavior? To help understand common challenges parents face when dealing with their child’s behavior and for child behavior management tips, I have interviewed therapist Meredith Gardner, LPC, PLLC. Tell me a ...