Articles for tag: Beet, Beet Juice, Beets

Karla News

Three Summer Recipes: Cold, Cooked Beets

Beets are an amazing food. Vibrant crimson in color, nutritious, and wonderfully versatile, they’re good chilled in summer and hot in winter. Boiled and served as a side dish, they’re delicate but toothsome in texture and have a mild, nutty flavor. As I write this, it’s summer in New York City, and the sun is ...

Karla News

How to Can Beets

Although growing up beets looked and smelled like something I should run the other way from, when I went to work for a restaurant with a buffet I finally got the nerve to try one. All the pickling and canning of the beets is done by cooks like me and as such I simply tried ...

Karla News

The Healing Power of Red Beets

One of my co-workers was diagnosed seven years ago with leukemia. His prognosis was not very good; he was told he had about 6-12 months to live. His physicians informed him of the importance of chemotherapy treatment, which he refused. The patient decided to seek alternative methods of treatment. He researched the effects of diet ...

Easy Pickled Beets!

I personally am ‘one of those people who does not’ crave the flavor of Pickled Beets, but I do have a good recipe for them that my husband thinks is the best recipe in the world. I got the recipe from ‘the best cook in Waseca County’ so it was tried and true. I have ...

Sporadic Red Urine: It May Be Beeturia

Have you ever looked down and noticed that your urine was red? Ack! What a startling thing to see! But wait-next time that happens, think back…..Did you eat beets recently? Ahhhhhhhh. That will do it. A consistently red color in the urine is something to be watchful of, unless you eat beets frequently. But what ...