Articles for tag: Beatlemania, Hey Jude

Karla News

Top 10 Songs by the Beatles

The Beatles were a not unknown British pop music group who recorded from 1962 to 1970. The Beatles recorded so many great songs, just picking the ten best is a difficult assignment. The Beatles recorded about 214 songs There are so many choices that the list could change from one day to the next. So ...

Karla News

The Beginning of Beatlemania–The Beatles Play Hamburg’s Star Club

The Beatles had first played the Hamburg club circuit in 1960, gaining valuable stage experience in the rough-and-tumble clubs of the city’s red-light district. Upon returning to England after an extended stay in Hamburg, The Beatles went into the studio with their manager, Brian Epstein, and recorded a fifteen-track demo that was immediately rejected by ...

Karla News

Beatlemania! Beatle Products and Merchandise

Within nine days during the Beatles’ first visit, Americans had bought more than 2 million Beatles records and more than $2.5 million worth of Beatle-related merchandise. The first products out were for impersonating the group-wigs (The Lowell Toy Company churned out 15,000 a day), jackets, and Beatle boots. There were: blue-and-white Beatles hats, Beatles T-shirts ...

Karla News

In Fundraising, PBS Uses Ed Sullivan Rock Classics to Appeal to Baby Boomers

PBS seems to be in a permanent state of fundraising. One positive byproduct of this is public television does help us remember our history and heritage. For example, PBS has recently been showing clips from “Ed Sullivan’s Rock and Roll Classics” as an instrument of its fundraising efforts. Sullivan was rewarded handsomely for tapping into ...