Articles for tag: Ball Pythons, Boa Constrictors, Corn Snakes

Karla News

Keeping Snakes with Children

“Keeping snakes with children in the house is cruel!” “Don’t worry, we won’t let the kids hurt the snakes. We’re teaching them to be gentle.” Some conversation along these lines happens at least once in every snake loving family. Friends and family, especially the older generations, cling to the widespread belief that all snakes are ...

Karla News

Buying a Burmese Python? Consider These Five Precautions

Burmese pythons are among the largest snakes in the world and are often found in zoos, pet stores or are domestic pets. These large and beautiful creatures are certainly appealing to the eye, and for those who don’t have a fear of snakes, they can prove to be an interesting pet. You are probably thinking ...

Karla News

Helping Your Ball Python Shed Successfully

Due to their wonderful, gentle disposition and beautiful markings, Royal Ball Pythons (python regius) are becoming increasingly popular as pets in the United States. Having a reptile as a pet allows one to experience the joys of caring for an animal, while also entertaining curiosities about nature. Ball pythons are a marvelous educational experience for ...

Karla News

A Guide to Feeding Corn Snakes

Many people, when shopping for pet snakes, consider the corn snake. These snakes, also known as red rat snakes, are constrictors like their relatives the boa and the python. Unlike their relatives, however, corn snakes typically reach a maximum length of six feet long and a maximum width of two fingers. For potential pet owners, ...

Why Do People Keep Snakes as Pets?

I’ll admit it. Snakes are just cool, and that’s one of the best reasons to keep them as pets. They aren’t affectionate and playful like a dog or cat, but then, if snake owners wanted affection and playtime, they’d just get a dog or cat. Snakes have an appeal all their own, and a big ...