Articles for tag: Backyard Birds, Bird Baths, Bird Care

Karla News

Backyard Birding Tips : Bird-baths Bring Birds to Your Yard

Although bird baths are commonly considered more essential for backyard birds during the winter, you can enjoy the benefits and increased bird population they bring all year round. Why a bird bath You can attract more species of birds to your yard with a birdbath then you can with food. Putting out seed for birds ...

Karla News

Easy Tips for Owning and Using a Birdhouse

Birdhouses are a great way to attract more varieties of birds to nest in the backyard. It can be rewarding for bird lovers to have a pair of birds make use of their birdhouse to raise their babies. As long as the correct birdhouse is used for the birds you want to attract, then there ...

Awesome Recycled Crafts for Kids

Kids love making awesome handmade gifts for the people they love, but sometimes crafts made of recycled materials don’t turn out looking much better than what was pulled out of the recycling bin. No one wants to give an ugly gift. These three crafts are made entirely from recycled materials and they are fun and ...

Karla News

A Beginner’s Guide to Suet Feeders for Wild Birds

Contrary to popular belief, not all birds will flock to a bird feeder filled with bird seed. Some birds, such as Mockingbirds, Orioles, Nuthatches, Wrens, Warblers, Woodpeckers and Chickadees, are insect eating birds. These birds are much more likely to make a home in your backyard if you provide them with suet feeders. Suet is ...

Karla News

Ten Fun and Easy DIY Bird Feeders

Unless you live in a very rural area, you may have to take a trip to the zoo to see abundant wildlife. Yet even city-dwellers can enjoy the beauty of wild avian friends. You’d be surprised at the variety of birds that will show up to your yard if you simply welcome them with some ...