Articles for tag: Bachelors Degree, Bls, Equine, Mcat

Karla News

Career Information for an Equine Veterinarian

Simply put, an Equine Veterinarian is a vet that specializes in the care of horses. These types of Veterinarians are usually self-employed or work for a private practice. They usually drive out to farms and ranches to provide veterinary assistance to herds and/or individual animals. The primary concern of Equine Veterinarians is to ensure preventive ...

Karla News

Best Places to Live in Utah (2011)

This article, the thirty-second in a 50-state series, ranks the best places to live in Utah based on three criteria: (1) median household income (adjusted for cost of living); (2) educational attainment (% of residents 25 years and over who have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher); and (3) property crime rates per 1,000 residents ...