Articles for tag: Baby Einstein, Einstein

Karla News

Baby Toy Review: Baby Einstein Play Gym

When babies are younger, such as two months old, they want to play with toys, but lack the skills to do so. They are rather bored just being held or lying about. There grips are not yet strong enough to hold many toys, nor are they able to sit up on their own or crawl. ...

Karla News

Best Exersaucers Available for Babies

I am a mother of two active toddlers and I can attest to the fact that an exersaucer is a miracle when you have a baby. These wonderful toy filled rings are the perfect activity to keep your baby happy while you perform day to day house chores or simply need a few minutes to ...

Karla News

Which Exersaucer is Best for Your Baby?

Choosing toys and gear for a new baby can be a daunting task. There is so much on the market that deciding which stationary activity center (most people refer to these as an exersaucer, which is really just one of the more popular brands) to choose can be overwhelming. Let’s break down the differences between ...

Karla News

Top Playpens Under $100

Many mothers find that a playpen is a nice convenience once your baby starts to crawl. Now days there are many options when looking to buy a play pen, but there are many safety issues to be aware of before buying a play pen. Most playpens are now made with mesh netting sides. This is ...

Karla News

Baby Einstein’s Baby Mozart Music Festival Could Be Better

Baby Einstein products, especially the Music Festival series (Baby Bach, Beethoven and Mozart) are designed based on the premise of the “Mozart Effect”, which inconclusively states that children who are exposed to classical music have increased cognitive development that will assist them in the school years and beyond. This was marketed as a way for ...

Karla News

Choosing the Best Activity Playmate for Your Babies!!

Parents searching for the right toy for there infants can often get confused by the myriad of choices on the market. Babies are often drawn to colorful and wonderful playmates and activity mates. Many companies have come out with there own version of playmates which makes the selection of the right playmate much more confusing ...

Karla News

Baby Einstein’s Baby Newton is Better Than Most

When I first encountered Baby Einstein I was extremely skeptical of its value. My beginning experience was my sister using it basically as a babysitter while she took care of other things in the house. I watched my infant niece zone out as she watched toys dance around the screen to music. Initial thought: “What ...

Karla News

Baby Einstein Discover and Play Activity Center Caterpillar

Baby Einstein Discover And Play Activity Center, Caterpillar is definitely worth the money. I registered for this item when I found out I was pregnant with my son. I knew I wanted to get something that he would enjoy and that would help strengthen his legs before he started walking. Baby Einstein is such a ...