Articles for tag: Avoid Getting Sick, Detox Your Body, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Parasites

How to Treat Parasites

No one wants to think that parasites are living inside of their bodies. However, most people do have some parasites, to some degree. It’s not until health problems such as fatigue, poor digestion, diarrhea, and bloating manifest that they’re recognized. In fact, parasites are the main cause of digestive distress and chronic diarrhea. How Parasites ...

Karla News

Just How Clean Are Public Restrooms?

I must admit that I am somewhat of a germ-a-phobe. All the years that I’ve worked in the restaurant business has made me so. I’m particularly wary about using public restrooms, simply because I’ve seen how bad they can get. I used to manage a restaurant that was right next door to a very large ...

Karla News

How Do I Keep from Getting Sinus Infections?

As I see more and more people I know suffer from chronic colds and sinus problems this winter, I thought I would share some tips on how I stopped my kids from getting them over and over again. I was desperate – it seemed like the kids would keep getting them no matter what we ...

Karla News

5 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are the end result of a disruption in the natural defenses of the human body. They happen when some form of irritant inflames the sinus tissue, allowing bacteria, pollutants or viruses to enter and set up house. Before you know it, you have a headache or pressure behind your eyes, a stuffy head, ...

How to Fight The Stomach Virus

The stomach virus, technically called viral gastroenteritis, which means inflammation of the stomach and intestines, is an infection that can result from a variety of viruses and results in diarrhea and/or vomiting. It is not caused by bacteria or parasites, nor is it caused by the influenza virus. This condition usually only lasts between one ...

What to Do About Motion Sickness?

Motion sickness, which is also known as Kinetosis, is something that sufferers wish they could overcome, but nobody is completely immune from it. It occurs when someone travels in a boat, car, plane or other moving vehicle. Motion sickness can come on very quickly and then often hang on for hours after you’ve stopped moving. ...