Articles for tag: Assertiveness Training

Clinical Shyness: What is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Those with Avoidant PD (AvPD) experience an intense level of social anxiety. Extremely self-conscious, they tend to avoid social situations and gravitate to jobs that involve little interpersonal contact. Avoidants often feel inadequate or inferior to others and are hypersensitive to rejection. Unlike individuals with schizoid personality disorder, those with AvPD do crave social relationships, ...

Humanistic Approach

WHAT IS THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH? Humanistic Therapy is the process by which an individual is influenced and gains their knowledge. Humanism is specifically positive in regards to the therapeutic process, and tries to eliminate those occurrences and attitudes that do not produce a positive being. This therapeutic process is specifically beneficial to individuals looking to ...

Karla News

The Ultimate Stress and Relaxation Workbook

We walk around in a world full of stressed out people. Anxiety, stress, fear, and restlessness are words that most people are familiar with at some level. The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook has been around since the early 1980’s, when the First Edition was published to respond to the increasing awareness of how stress ...

Karla News

Underlying Issues of Overeating

Overeating is an eating disorder that affects both men and women. Part of being able to overcome this addiction is understanding the underlying issues behind overeating. To help understand the underlying issues of overeating, the impact overeating has on someone’s life and how someone can get help, I have interviewed therapist Ellen Odza LMFT. Tell ...