Articles for tag: Asphalt, Asphalt Shingles, Flashing, How to Repair

How to Repair Asphalt Shingled Roofs

While cleaning out your roof gutters did you notice a large amount of granules in them? If so, you may have a potential roofing problem in the making. As asphalt shingles wear they tend to shed the granules that make up their top layer and thus become more prone to leaks. Thankfully asphalt shingles are ...

Home Tips – Fixing an Asphalt Driveway

Paving your driveway with asphalt is one of the most economical choices for hard surface applications. It gives a clean, seamless look and only takes a few hours for a crew to install and only 3 days until you can drive on it. But like all road way materials, asphalt needs maintenance every few years. ...

Karla News

How to Patch and Seal an Asphalt Driveway

By patching and sealing your asphalt driveway you can avoid the water damage that causes the asphalt to crumble. While many professionals will charge hundreds of dollars to patch and seal an asphalt driveway, the careful homeowner can do the work himself. Before beginning this project it is important to know if your asphalt driveway ...

Karla News

Recycling Old Roof Shingles into Road Asphalt

In 2007, B. R. Amon & Sons, Inc. was the first company in Wisconsin to recycle residential shingles into hot mix asphalt. Tom Amon, in a 2008 interview, estimated that at that time at least ten other states were recycling shingles into asphalt and that more states were going to be doing it. Missouri was ...

Karla News

How to Replace Damaged Asphalt Roofing Shingles

Replacing a few damaged asphalt roofing shingles doesn’t necessarily require a roofer if you have the necessarily home improvement skills. This is a simple process that can be completed by almost any homeowner when there is no damage to the underlying structure and no notable water damage. If your roof repair falls under this category, ...

Karla News

Drag Racing in California

California is known for many things, but drag racing doesn’t seem to be one of them. Drag racing is more typically associated with the south than sunny California. However there are some that find the heat of Cali perfect for some sizzling street racing action. What could be hotter than taking a few seconds to ...

Karla News

6 Tips for Sealing an Asphalt Driveway

Whether you have paved a small driveway designed for one or two vehicles or an expansive parking lot size driveway, it must be sealed regularly to preserve it. When an asphalt driveway is sealed, the dark rich color of the pavement is restored. At the same time, the cracks that form and can allow water ...

Karla News

What is Asphalt Cement?

Major streets and highways are made of cement or asphalt cement. Cement highways last longer and can handle lots of traffics. The downside – it takes a long time for cement roadways to cure and they are expensive. When a roadway is new, as in, it has yet to be used by the public, cement ...

Karla News

Advantages of Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are inexpensive and versatile, which probably explains why over 80% of roofs are made of asphalt. They are economical to buy and install, work well with various roof types and pitches, and come in a wide variety of costs, colors, styles and quality. They are relatively easy to cut to size, fit together ...

Karla News

Concrete Vs. Asphalt Driveways

Concrete or asphalt are the most common materials used to pave driveways. While both have distinct advantages, in general your climate will dictate which driveway is the best choice for you. However, if you live in a moderate climate or just want to know the advantages and disadvantages of both material, this article is for ...