Articles for tag: Artemisia, Bioengineering, Malaria, Moringa, Therapy Animals

The History and Uses of Wormwood

Wormwood is an herb that belongs to the artemisia genus and is cousin to both Sage and Mugwort herbs. The herb is surrounded by superstitions due to its baneful nature and the conditions in which it grows. The plant often grows in cemeteries, lich yards and other places of waste. This characteristic is responsible for ...

Karla News

Heartworms ~ Symptoms and Treatment Options

~~ Symptoms ~~ Everything can be great one day and the next day you may take your dog to the vet and find out that your dog tested positive for heartworms. Your dog will not have symptoms in the beginning. The symptoms start when the heartworms are in the advanced stages. Symptoms may include: lack ...

Karla News

The Best Places to Legally Buy Absinthe

So you’ve heard about this liquor called absinthe, also nicknamed “The Green Fairy”, or you’ve tasted it while vacationing overseas, and now you want to know where to buy absinthe. You’ve checked your local liquor stores, and nobody has it for sale. The reason: It has been illegal to sell absinthe in America for quite ...

Karla News

Review: LUCID French Absinthe – Truly Absinthe, Truly Legal

Absinthe has been banned in the United States for the better part of the last century. The ban was due in part to the psycho-active ingredient thujone, the active ingredient in wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) from which absinthe was made as discussed on Absinthe Original’s homepage ( According to another web site as well as ...

Karla News

Creating a Garden Using Purple Foliage

Purple foliage is not just pure purple. The leaves of your plants can be tinted with shades of red, bronze, or copper colors. Some leaves can be so dark that they look almost black. Whatever shades of purple foliage plants you choose to incorporate into your landscape, they will be sure to be quite noticeable. ...