Articles for tag: Arkham, Arkham City, Batman Arkham City, Harley Quinn

Karla News

“Batman: Arkham City” Graphic Novel Review

I’m not a video game player. I never have been and probably never will be. However, the concept and character design behind the “Batman: Arkham City” video game was enough to get my attention when ads started popping up in various places. When I found out DC was doing a five issue prequel comic leading ...

Karla News

Under Review: Harley Quinn’s Revenge (Batman: Arkham City DLC)

Harley Quinn’s Revenge is the first story-driven content released for Batman: Arkham City since the game’s October debut. Seven months later, is HQR relevant enough to attract the casual gamer and satisfy the rabid bat-fan? Read on to find out! Story HQR takes place soon after the events of Arkham City. Robin and Oracle are ...

Karla News

Batman Set to Take Over Video Game World in 2012

Batman video games use to be a mockery of the DC superhero and couldn’t compare to the comic books, movies or television shows he was featured in. With the releases of LEGO: Batman, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, the Caped Crusader has made gamers forget about mistakes in the past and provide top-notch gaming ...

Karla News

Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

The World’s Greatest Detective has seen his fair share of sucky, terrible game adaptations. Previous attempts never got the atmosphere right. Some grabbed elements from The Caped Crusader’s decades of stories, then smashed them into disastrous monstrosities, effectively reducing Batman to a dull 007 with a cape. The iconic hero has seen an artistic resurgence ...