Articles for tag: Area Rugs, College Dorm Room, Dorm Rooms, Inexpensive Dorm Room Decorations

Choosing a College Dorm Room Area Rug

Adding an area rug is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to decorate your college dorm room. Because they are not costly, you can use an area rug even in a high traffic dorm room without having to worry about visitors damaging an expensive item. Choosing a bold pattern or color can add ...

Karla News

Unique Homemade Rugs

If you can braid, weave, knit or crochet you will be able to create unique area rugs for your home, or outdoor mats for your patio. It is as easy as weaving a potholder or braiding your child’s hair, or even knitting and crocheting simple rectangular scarves except you will be working with slightly different ...

Karla News

Make a Unique Area Rug Yourself

Large area rugs are fabulous for big rooms but can often cost quite a lot of money. Small throw rugs, on the other hand, are generally inexpensive and easy to find. If you need a huge rug, but don’t want to pay the price for one, consider making a huge rug from many small ones. ...

Karla News

How to Make an Area Rug Out of Plastic Bags

Every time we go to any retail store, we can guarantee ourselves we will return with just as many bags as we do items. Well, almost, it just feels that way. The plastic bags are items we have purchased are placed in seem to multiply like rabbits. There are quite a few household uses for ...