Articles for tag: Arborist, Erosion Control, Flowering Trees, Tree Care, Tree Diseases

Karla News

Ten Tips for Fall Tree Care

With the focus on water conservation, many people forget to water their trees and the drought of the late summer months can be especially hard. Enter Autumn’s first rains, wind storms and first freezes and suddenly home owners and gardeners have a recipe for trouble. In fall, trees go dormant and deciduous trees lose their ...

Karla News

How to Lower the Cost of Tree Removal

For those of us with mature trees in our yards, the cost of removing a dead or diseased tree can be pretty expensive. These ancient maples, elms and walnuts require the skill of an trained arborist who must scale the trees using rigging, then drop the limbs where they can’t damage property. Depending on the ...

Karla News

White Pine Trees for a Privacy Hedge?

I love all evergreen trees and white pine trees in particular. I am presenting information gleaned from my experience of growing white pines for 45 years. White pines have very long needles compared to some other varieties of pines.Their luxuriant appearance enhances any landscape. They are the personification of the idealistic Christmas tree, A photo ...

Karla News

Prune an Overgrown Flowering Cherry

My neighbor asked me recently about her two six-year old Kwanzan flowering cherry trees. The trees are in the front yard and had never been pruned. The Kwanzans were so neglected and out of control that you couldn’t see the front of my neighbor’s house from across the street! I agreed to prune them for ...

Karla News

Tree Houses for the Handicapped

Handicapped people miss out on a lot of the fun and excitement in life. From riding bikes to jumping rope to running after a ball, those in wheelchairs get shortchanged, but not any longer. Now anyone, no matter what their handicap, can climb a tree. Forever Young Treehouses, started in 1998, is a place that ...

Karla News

A Homeowner’s Guide to Trimming Trees and Keeping Them Healthy

If you own or care for a parcel of property, trees are a prominent and important part of your land. Aside from their aesthetic value, trees are known as the “lungs of the earth”—providing us with oxygen to breathe. In addition, trees offer shelter from inclement weather. You and yours will be the beneficiaries of ...