Articles for tag: Aquarium Care, Freshwater Tropical Fish, Mollies, Tropical Fish

Karla News

Community Fish Are a Great Addition to Your Tropical Aquarium

As mentioned in pervious articles, it is important to choose the right fish for you tropical aquarium. If you put a very aggressive fish in with a peace loving fish, I think we know who will wind up being dinner. Since you probably don’t want that to happen, make sure that you choose fish of ...

Karla News

Reasons You Need a Top on Your Aquarium (Fish Tank)

There are plenty of reasons that you need to place a lid on your aquarium. Most people will have a lid, such as a glass top and then it will break. If you go to the pet store and try to purchase a glass top, they are very expensive. Be very careful with your glass ...

Karla News

Tropical Fish Species Facts: Betta

Bettas (also called Siamese fighting fish) are arguably one of the easiest pet fish to care for. That doesn’t mean you should ignore their care or keep them in the tiny plastic bubbles that pet stores sell them in. But, compared to most other fish species, bettas will not need fancy food, a frantic eye ...

Karla News

What You Need to Know About Bettas and Bubble Nests

If you ever see your male betta (Siamese fighting fish or Betta splendens) making a bubble nest, be glad. This is a sign that your male betta is healthy and hopeful. He thinks his territory is good enough to make baby bettas (betta fry) and, no matter how small the tank or bowl, he is ...

Karla News

3 Myths About Male Betta Fish Care

Male Bettas (Siamese fighting fish or Betta splendens) are kept for their beauty and low maintenance requirements. But you still need care, attention and money in order to successfully keep a male betta. There are many misconceptions about how to take care of Bettas, which will be cleared up here. Bettas Can Live In Those ...