Articles for tag: Appaloosa, Horse Breeds

Karla News

Top 10 Rarest Horse Breeds in the World

These ten horse and pony breeds are on the verge of extinction. Or are they? There is considerable debate as to whether a breed can become extinct. A species certainly can. But a breed contains the DNA of its entire species, only some may have mutations of certain genes while others will have some genes ...

Karla News

Training You and Your Horse for Endurance Riding

So you want to be a distance rider? Are you a die hard rider who would rather ride than eat, sleep, or watch television? Then let’s explore the sport of endurance riding. What is an Endurance Ride? Endurance riding is an extreme sport, you can enter to race at distances of 50 to a 100 ...

Karla News

How to Teach Your Horse to Stand Quietly for the Farrier

When the old cowboy delivered my new appaloosa horse to the house, he was less than complimentary, “Well, you’ve got yourself a real Indian pony here.” He spat a brown stream of chewing tobacco into the dirt as he prepared to open the gate of the trailer up. “She won’t haul. Won’t tie. And she ...

Karla News

The American Saddlebred: Breed Characteristics

Champion show specimens are the popular image of an American Saddlebred. They have a high set tail, exaggerated prancing action, a partially roached mane and very wide eyes. However, most American Saddlebreds (ASBs) do not look like those in the show ring. Show ASBs often have their hooves grown long and their manes and tails ...

Karla News

I Love My Cashel Soft Saddle and My Horses DoToo!

I love my Cashel Soft Saddle. It fits every one of my horses. It’s comfortable. The Cashel Soft Saddle is lightweight and easy for me to haul around. And my horses love it too. My only concern when I was considering the Cashel Soft Saddle was that it wouldn’t be substantial enough for real riding ...

Karla News

Appaloosa Horse History and Breed Characteristics

The Appaloosa is one of the most recognizable horse breeds in the world. Even non-horsy folk can usually pick out an Appaloosa from a herd. “Appys” are best known for their spotted coats, but they are not the first breed of horse to have spots and certainly won’t be the last. The have a romantic ...

Karla News

Equestrian Lessons and Horseback Riding Near Seattle, WA

Would you or your child like to learn more about horses, or possibly get become an equestrian? When you live in a fairly large city like Seattle, it can be difficult to remember that outdoor “country” resources like horseback riding are amazingly accessible. But they are, and can be a nice contrast to city life. ...

Karla News

Current Uses of the American Paint Horse

Although you may associate American Paint Horses with cowboy movies, they are used in many other ways, just like most breeds of light horse in America. American Paint Horses not only have the flashy patchwork of colors that have made them infamous, but in order to be registered with the American Paint Horse Association, they ...

Karla News

Racking Horse: Breed Characteristics

Centuries ago, when there were hardly any roads and many people had to spend long hours in the saddle, breeding horses with smooth, comfortable gaits were paramount. Many of these breeds ambled instead of trotted, including many of the Spanish breeds that were brought over to North America. Nowadays, with roads and cars, horses are ...

Karla News

The American Shetland Pony

The American Shetland Pony is probably one of the most misunderstood breeds of horses. Most of us rode a “Shetland Pony” when we were kids and remember them as being mean and stubborn. When you consider that most of these Shetland ponies were grade ponies (meaning they had no registration papers and were probably a ...