Articles for tag: Anton Chekhov, Chekhov

Karla News

Themes in Chekhov’s A Cherry Orchard

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov is an idea play about the irreconcilable conflict between Russia’s nostalgic past and its modern present. It’s is also about the very Russian idea of being an object of struggle rather than a subject. Many Russian hardships – the harsh winters, the masses of poor serfs (some of whom ...

Karla News


“Gooseberries,” by Anton Chekhov is a highly symbolical short story that paints an accurate portrait of the Russian culture in the 1890’s. Though upon the first reading it may seem dull and uneventful, “Gooseberries” is a story that talks about many deep issues, such as what the ideal life would be and how to live ...

Karla News

What Inspired Chekhov’s Vanka?

It is within stories like Vanka that sketches and short stories begin to resemble one another. There is the barest movement of plot, in that Vanka begins writing his letter, works on his letter, and finishes his letter. He is not the narrator, but it is through the boys mind that the reader is inducted ...

Karla News

The Modern Woman in Joyce Carol Oates’ The Lady with the Pet Dog

Joyce Carol Oates’ “The Lady with the Pet Dog” strives to portray a modern woman fairly and realistically, with insight and depth. However, through the use of a modern setting, a close examination of the main character reveals a series of unfair, albeit unintentional, stereotypes. This can most effectively be understood when one considers the ...

Karla News

Literary Analysis of The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov

Jester drawings are simple quick sketches designed to capture a glimpse of a moment, a fleeting scene from everyday life. They help the artist remember what they have witness so they can return to the subject and derive fresh insight from what is captured. Anton Chekhov considers himself an artist (Chekhov on Writing) and his ...