Articles for tag: Anita Blake, Laurell K Hamilton, Lycanthropy

Karla News

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series Targeted for Women But Guy-Friendly

Guys, has this happened to you? You’re browsing the book shelf, probably in the “horror” or “sci-fi/fantasy” section of your local bookstore, and your eye catches on a cover that is graced by a beautiful, semi-naked woman. Intrigued, you pick the book up, but as soon as you see the words “beautiful vampire” or “lust ...

Karla News

Book Review – Bullet by Laurell K Hamilton

Bullet is the next book in the long running series by Laurell K Hamilton starring her heroine, Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. This book has everything her loyal fans have waited for; including lots of sex, violence, vampires, werewolves, and other paranormal creatures of the night. If one has not read one of Ms. Hamilton’s books, ...

Karla News

Laurell K. Hamilton: Top Author of All Time

Laurell K. Hamilton could possibly be in a league of her own. With her bestselling Anita Blake Series and her bestselling Meredith Gentry Series, Ms. Hamilton has created a genre beyond science fiction/fantasy, horror and romance. She has a knack for blending genres, to be exact, and the results turn out to be mind-blowing with ...

Karla News

Top Ten Gift Ideas for the Vampire in Your Family

With Christmas on the horizon thoughts turn towards buying the perfect gifts for our loved ones and those with a vampire in the family find it difficult to satisfy the darker personality type. Most people tend to hit the Hot Topics stores thinking that is the only place to buy vampiric goodies only to learn ...

Karla News

Anita Blake on Televison

Laurell K. Hamilton has released the news early April that she was going to be a part of the television movie based upon the series Anita Blake Vampire Hunter. Anita Blake is finally coming to life before our eyes on television. IFC, Lionsgate, and After Dark Films have partnered to bring the first full length ...