Articles for tag: Anesthesiologist

Ethics and Morals in the Healthcare Field

There are several terms that are often used to define certain behaviors of human beings. An unethical person, for instance, knows right from wrong but choose to alter rules or guidelines for their benefit regardless of whom it may interfere with. Ethics is having morals and having full knowledge of the rules and abiding by ...

ACL Reconstruction Knee Surgery, the First 3 Days

ACL Knee Surgery, the First 3 Days There are 4 major ligaments in the knee, and the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is one of these. It is an important ligament to stabilize the knee as it connects the femur bone to the tibia bone. It is very common to injure this ligament while playing ...

Karla News

Rotator Cuff Surgery Survival Guide: Operating Room

The following is the second article in a three-part series recounting my experience with rotator cuff surgery and the subsequent recovery. The day before surgery I went through the pre-op routine of blood work and a short EKG monitoring. I also met with the physical therapist to be fitted for an immobilizing sling that I ...

Informational Interview with Anesthesiologist

Interviewee: Dr. Johnny Blake (anesthesiologist) of Baker’s Health Care Medical Center Q. What was the career path you took from college to the present? A. He started out like everyone else… a high school diploma but no idea what to do with it. He then decided to persue a degree in pre-med. After graduating with ...

Karla News

Waking Up During Surgery: It Happens

You slowly open your eyes as if emerging from a dream. You hear the harsh clang of metal instruments and the echoes of voices coming from a distance. You see shadows moving across your eyes and bright lights – but you can’t speak. Then you remember. You’re in surgery, and you can’t move – but ...

Karla News

The 3 Most Common Types of Anesthesia

I have had a few surgeries in my lifetime. My most recent surgery was open heart surgery – a triple bypass. I remember before each surgery I was introduced to the anesthesiologist and he told me his procedure and the risks. Before each surgery, I always had to sign a consent form giving him permission ...

Karla News

Review of the Palomar Birth Center in Escondido

Both of my children were born at Palomar Hospital’s Birth Center in Escondido, my first daughter in 2000 and my son in 2006. Despite the excruciating pain of labor and delivery, both experiences at the birth center were wonderful from start to finish. The birth center at Palomar Hospital in Escondido, California features private labor ...