Articles for tag: Andalucia, Sevilla, Seville

Karla News

Interesting Things to See and Do in Seville, Spain

Less than an hour’s flying time from Madrid, Seville (otherwise known as Sevilla) the capital of Andalucia is a wonderful city. It’s large enough that there’s plenty to do, but small enough that you can walk to most places. Located on the River Guadalquivir, it’s an ancient city with history as far back as the ...

Karla News

Spain’s “Must See” Cities

Spain is one of the most romantic destinations in the world. When picturing Spain most people will envision a long sandy beach with waves caressing the shore line. No doubt the beaches are spectacular in Spain, but that is not all there is to enjoy in this culturally diverse area of the world. Granada, Spain ...

Karla News

Summer Travel to Spain on a Budget

Spain is a wonderful country. I know I’m partial about it, because it is my country and I was born and raised there, but still I assure you that if you travel to Spain you will love it. People travel to Spain for three main reasons; the first one is because the food is amazing. ...

Karla News

Planning a First-Time Trip to Spain: Basic Tips for European-Bound Families

So You’re Visiting Spain? Excellent Choice! Spain is one of the most heavily-visited countries in Europe and this is no coincidence. There are *so* many reasons to see this beautiful country, from Gothic and Baroque architecture evident in many old churches and cathedrals, to natural scenery like the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range in Andalucia. ...

Karla News

Best of Cordoba, Spain: Top 5 Attractions

To see where Christianity and Islam collided and fused, go to Cordoba, Spain, an ancient city in Andalucia, Spain’s southernmost province, situated some 75 miles (121 km) northeast of Seville. For here, in Cordoba, Romans, Goths, Jews, Moors and Christians triumphed and succumbed in succession, molding the city in their own image, to offer up ...

Karla News

Discover the Regions of Spain – the Festivals of Andalucia

Andalucia is one of the most popular destinations in Spain, due to its amazing beaches, warm climate and relaxed atmosphere. The region is home to many ancient cities, including Seville, Cadiz and Granada. Although the region was first settled thousands of years ago, there are plenty of new attractions to keep you occupied. There are ...