Articles for tag: Ancient Art

T’ai Chi Instruction in Cincinnati, Ohio

While many various forms of Far Eastern disciplines are gaining popularity in our Western culture, T’ai Chi is perhaps one of the most versatile and introspective types. In the Cincinnati area there are numerous establishments offering instruction but finding the right class, where you can feel comfortable in learning as a beginner, can be quite ...

Karla News

Abstract Poetry-II

ABSTRACT PAINTING AND ABSTRACT POEM Abstract art is now generally understood to mean art that does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form in a non-representational way.In the very early 20th century, the term was more often used to describe art, such as Cubist and Futurist art, that depicts ...

Karla News

The Truth About the Art of Needle Felting

When most people hear the word “felt” many think of a sheet of felt sold in art stores. If you have heard of “felting” as an art form you may have heard of the art of needle felting but, more likely are only familiar with the wet felting process, or wet felting used to give ...

Karla News

The Masquerade Ball: What is It, and from Where Does it Come?

With Halloween seemingly just around the corner, masks of all kinds will be out and about. And that brought about to my ears the phrase “masquerade ball.” When you hear the term, “masquerade,” what do you think of? I usually associate the word with a large extravagant dance wherein all the people are dressed in ...

Karla News

Brussels, Belgium: Best Sites and Attractions

Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is head of the European Union and the home of Tintin. It is also a fantastic place to visit if you are vacationing in Europe and are a chocolate aficionado as Belgium produces 172,000 tons of chocolate each year and has 2,000 chocolate shops. Brussels, Belgium is over one thousand ...