Articles for tag: Alien and Sedition Acts, American Independence, David Mccullough, John Adams

Karla News

Book Review – John Adams by David McCullough

I consider David McCullough to be the finest American historian and biographer alive today. McCullough, the author of several superb works of history and biography (most notably, Mornings on Horseback, The Path Between the Seas, and 1776), has penned two Presidential biographies, both of which have won the Pulitzer Prize: Truman, written in 1992, and ...

Karla News

The Legacy of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is considered the Father of the Republican party. This article is an outline of Thomas Jefferson’s achievements. In 1767, Thomas Jefferson started his law practice. In 1769, Thomas Jefferson became a Representative in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Jefferson also write a pamphlet on the rights of British America. In 1774, Jefferson gave ...

Karla News

Ten Greatest American Presidents

The argument over what makes a president great or who was the best president ever has no solution. Each president offers certain qualities that allow them to reach the highest levels of government; they all have certain problems that prevent them from reaching their full potential and meeting the goals they set out when they ...

Karla News

My Ethnic Background

Each ethnic group in the world has difficulty assimilating into a new environment. How does this happen? Does assimilation truly happen or do ethnic lines just blur with time until differences disappear? Like many Americans this writer’s ethnic background is hard to trace and that being the case it is convenient to explore one known ...