Articles for tag: Algebra, Algebra Help, Algebra I, Polynomial

Karla News

10 Tips to Help You Pass College Algebra

College algebra can be a challenge that many students confront early in their college experience. If you are concerned about how to pass college algebra, consider developing a strategy that includes the following tips from a former mathematics professor. College algebra is accessible to everyone, even if you think you aren’t a “math person”. 1. ...

Karla News

Where to Get Free Online Homework Help

Are you, or your children, having trouble with homework such as understanding math, or finding a good idea for a science project? There is help available for free on the internet. Some of the sites are focused on one subject, while the others have information on all subjects. So, don’t let a problem get in ...

Karla News

A Detailed Differentiated Curriculum for an Algebra I or Algebra II Course

A differentiated curriculum means that assignments and/or teaching techniques reach students at their own level. Doing this within a high school or middle school classroom is difficult, primarily because students find it “unfair” to do a different assignment than their peers. Motivation is another factor, since those who need the most practice typically have a ...

Karla News

High School Success: Online Credit Recovery

There are many reasons a child does not pass a high school course. An illness may have prevented them from attending or a family emergency may have interrupted their schooling. Perhaps the teacher of the class was unable to meet this particular student’s needs. Repeating a high school course the following year may delay graduation. ...