Articles for tag: Alfalfa Sprouts, Bean Sprouts

Karla News

Growing Sprouts

Sprouts of just about any vegetable seed or grain can be grown and eaten. Sprouts are eaten in salads, sprouts make great sandwich toppings, and sprouts can be used to add beneficial vitamins, flavor, and visual appeal to almost any recipe or dish. Sprouts are nutritious, delicious, and sprouts are very easy to grow. Sprouts ...

8 Health Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts

The leaves, stems, seeds and shoots of the alfalfa plant have been used historically for their many health-enhancing properties. The leaves of adult alfalfa plants are not generally palatable; their coarse texture makes them unsuitable for use in food. However, alfalfa sprouts provide all of alfalfa’s medicinal properties and health benefits, and they are easy ...

Can I Eat Sprouting Garlic?

The Phenomenon of Sprouting Garlic Many of us like to cook, and eating garlic seems to go hand in hand with healthy living. Unless you buy it in small quantities at the farmer’s market every week, you end up getting several cloves all at once. If you don’t use it for a little while, or ...