Articles for tag: Agamemnon, Odysseus, The Odyssey

Karla News

‘The Odyssey’: A Study Companion (Books 7-8)

Book 7: The Palace of Alcinous New Major Characters Alcinous: King of the Phaeacians, promises Odysseus a ship and crew to ferry him home no matter how far that may be. Arete: Queen of the Phaeacians, Odysseus must win her sympathies before gaining help from the Phaeacians. As Odysseus approaches the city a child, Athene ...

Karla News

Homer’s Illiad: Trojan War, Literature, Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus

HEROIC CODE Homer’s Iliad is an ancient epic tale of Greek gods, mythical creatures, and larger-than-life heroes. It is a collection of legends and events that documents a thousand-year-old oral tradition of ancient storytelling extinct today. Throughout the epic, there is a central theme that centers on the ideas of heroism, honor, pride, revolving around ...

Karla News

Summary of “The Trojan Women,” a Tragedy by Euripides

Since I do not have access to the original text of “The Trojan Women,” the following summary is based on an English translation by M. Hadas and J. McLean in an anthology entitled “Greek Drama.” The translators did a good job. However, no translation can be perfectly faithful to the original. For example, Hecuba compares ...

Karla News

Extra Book in Homer’s Iliad?

There is a degree of controversy regarding whether book 10 of Homer’s Iliad was part of the Iliad’s original composition, and if it really belongs in Homer’s epic. I believe that book 10, though in some ways a significant departure from the majority of the Iliad, is nevertheless a valid part of the story, composed ...

Karla News

The Tragic Greek Myth of Cassandra

Mythology is ripe with tragically sad stories. In fact, very few myths actually finish with a happy ending. However, I consider the story of Cassandra to be one of the very saddest tales of all time. Cassandra was princess of the legendary city of Troy; the daughter of king Priam and queen Hecuba. She was ...

Karla News

“Agamemnon,” a Tragedy of the Greek Poet Aeschylus

Since I do not own a copy of the Greek original, the following summary of Aeschylus’ “Agamemnon” is based on an English translation of the tragedy which Moses Hadas has included in an anthology entitled “Greek Drama,” a Bantum Classic. A.W. Verrall is the translator. The play begins with a prologue spoken by a watchman. ...

Karla News

The Odyssey: Homer’s Take on Family Values

The Odyssey is one of two major classical works by Homer. This extensive epic poem chronicles more than Odysseus’ journey home after the end of the Trojan War. Through is many lines, the Odssey is a tale about a family’s struggle with and against supernatural and natural obstacles. And, central to the motivations in Homer’s ...

Karla News

Euripides Vs. Aeschylus: Comparing Two Versions of Electra

THE STORY SO FAR: Agamemnon was a Greek general during the Trojan War, who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia in order to win the gods’ favor. Clytaemestra, who had been told that Iphigenia was to be married, took a lover in her grief and avenged her daughter’s murder by killing her husband. Orestes, with the involvement ...

Karla News

Agamemnon, Achilles, and Responsibility in the Iliad

“Yet what could I do? It is the god who accomplishes all things.” (Iliad IXX ll. 90) These words of Agamemnon’s state simply the situation of the epic’s characters: the Gods control mortals. This being the case, mortal responsibility in actuality rests with the Immortals. Thus, how a hero regards himself as responsible or not ...