Articles for tag: Aftra, Headshot, Talent Agencies

Top Talent Agencies in Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee is known as “Music City,” and with a plethora of recording studios and publishing companies, this is the city to be discovered. While musicians of all types flock to Nashville for opportunities, due to its proximity to the large Atlanta film market, actors and models are quickly finding this to be the ideal ...

Talent Agencies in Sacramento, California

Sacramento, California is the capital of California and it is the 6th largest city within this state. As with many locations within California, the film industry regularly uses this city to film movies, TV shows, commercials and print advertisements. If you wish to take your career to the next level and gain vital industry connections, ...

Karla News

What to Include in Your Acting Resume – Tips from a Professional Actor

Just like any other business, your resume is an accurate history of your employment or experience; however, instead of listing that cashier job you had in college, an acting resume is a portrayal of your theatrical work and relevant training. The layout and information included within your resume should be clear, concise and above all ...

Becoming an Actor at Any Age

So you want to be an actor. Whatever your age, and whatever your prior experience, if this is something you want, this is something you can do. You might not become a star, and it may not be your only means of support, but becoming a working actor is an attainable goal for anyone with ...

Top Talent Agencies in Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia is the largest city in the state of Georgia and throughout the past several years numerous film productions have been shot in this city. Atlanta is home to some of the best attractions in the country, including the largest aquarium in the United States. If you are an actor and wish to further ...

Making the Decision to Join SAG

You’ve finally become eligible to join SAG, whether through a principal contract, background waivers or the backdoor in through another union. Congratulations! But now you have to decide if now is the right time for you to join SAG. You may be looking at your computer screen as if I’m insane right now. “Why wouldn’t ...

Karla News

10 Tips for Getting Your Kids into Film, TV, and Modeling Without Moving to Los Angeles or New York

Interested in starting your kids off in the entertainment industry? Here are 10 steps to getting your child started in the biz – without leaving your hometown. useful terms: theatrical agent: agents that book actors for Film and Television modeling agent: agents that book models. Often Children’s theatrical agents will also book models. commercial agent: ...

Karla News

AFM and AFTRA: What is a Music Union?

A music union such as AFM or AFTRA, is made up of musicians that have joined together to demand better pay and working conditions. The largest performing arts union is the AFM (American Federation of Musicians,) which is made up of copyist, arrangers, proofreaders, leaders, music librarians, and of course instrumentalists. AFTRA (the American Federation ...

Talent Agencies in Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri surpasses St. Louis, Missouri as the largest city in the state, and is the sister city to Kansas City, Kansas. This city boasts a plethora of activities and industries, and within the past several years this city has become a beacon for the entertainment industry in the Midwest. While productions from the ...