Articles for tag: Afghan Women, Khaled Hosseini, Young Adult Book

Karla News

Top 3 Underrated Contemporary Fiction Writers

There are so many options of wonderful fiction books out there to open up and get lost in. To sit down and delve into a controversial social topic, to explore a faraway tumultuous land, to meet a wacky neighbor, or even to be on a simple road trip that evolves into much more. I believe ...

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Today

Despite the fact that the Taliban (a fundamentalist Islamic militia) government was overthrown by NATO forces in 2001, during “Operation Enduring Freedom”, the women of Afghanistan are not substantially better off today than they were under previous Muslim rule. The American-backed government of Hamid Karzai has been unable to effectively enforce the equal rights legislation ...

Justifying the War in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is home to more than 26 million people, home to what remains of the oppressive Taliban regime, and home to Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is also the home of America’s new war. Fueled by a desire to seek retribution and to show the world that we as Americans are not going to sit idly ...

Karla News

A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay

Through the powers of an unlikely friendship, the abuse and loss of two Afghan women were transformed into a story of love, sacrifice, and hope. Mariam’s life began in a mud plastered kolba,Afghan for hut, thats walls were brimmed with bitterness, anger, and defeat. Born a harami, or bastard, as she was constantly reminded by ...