Articles for tag: Aerobic Exercise, Exercise Ball

5 Aerobic Exercises for the Exercise Ball

Aerobic exercise is a form of exercise that uses large muscle groups to increase the heart rate. Aerobic exercise allows you to take in more oxygen, which helps convert the fat and glucose that I stored in your body into energy. These exercises can be used as a weigh of burning calories and losing weight ...

Karla News

Most Effective Exercise Program for Type 2 Diabetes

It is well-known that exercise helps type 2 diabetes. However, a new study shows that a specific exercise regimen might be better than others for controlling the disease. Seven percent or 20.8 million adults and children in the United States suffer with diabetes. People with diabetes are at higher risk for developing other diseases, some ...

Karla News

Building a Better Cardio Workout: Aerobic Versus Anaerobic

The common mistake that a lot of people make when designing a cardiovascular exercise program is not considering whether what they’re doing is aerobic or anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise that, by definition, works with oxygen. Anaerobic exercise is exercise that works without oxygen. An example of aerobic exercise would be jogging several miles over ...

Karla News

Aerobic Workouts for Women Over 50

A middle age slowdown seems inevitable once you hit 50, but you can challenge your fate with aerobic exercise. Your efforts don’t have to be costly. You don’t have to join a gym, rent equipment, wear sexy exercise gear or buy a 10 part workout series on DVD. Aerobic exercise can be as easy as ...

Karla News

How Exercise Helps Reduce Stress

We have heard it so many times before that there are many benefits to exercise especially when used to lower stress. If everyone knows that exercise is important then why are stress, disease, and fatigue so prevalent in today’s society? The answer is simple. We know what to do we just aren’t doing it. Experts ...