Articles for tag: Acrophobia, Cortisol, Stress Hormone

Karla News

Overcoming Fear of Heights With Cortisol

Bruce was asked to inspect some damage on the outside of a tower. Although he had developed a fear of heights, he willed himself to go up the firmly attached ladder. Halfway up, Bruce panicked, he could not move, his muscles in his legs were shaking and felt like mush. Another worker had to go ...

Karla News

5 Restaurants With Superb Ocean Views in San Diego, California

For those lucky San Diegans, listening to gently crashing ocean waves or enjoying the Pacific views of La Jolla Coves at the shore is a fairly typical way to enjoy dinner at a local restaurant. For the rest of us, a vacation in Southern California will just have to do. Poseidon on the Beach 1670 ...

Karla News

Romantic Comedy: The Road to Redemption

One of the most memorable sequences in Groundhog Day is the Groundhog Festival Banquet. Phil is the star of the evening. It is a cathartic sequence in which he relishes the hard-earned fruits of his transformation. He is artist, scientist, benefactor. He is cool, he is accomplished, he is eligible. There is a bachelor auction. ...

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

Imagine being on the roof of a one hundred story building and looking down, with nothing to keeping you from falling over the edge. Imagine the fear and anxiety that would fill your body, thinking about being that high up. Do you have a fear of heights? Most of us do. Most of our fears ...

10 Most Common Phobias

If you are looking at this list of the 10 most common phobias or fears, there is good news! You most likely do not have pinaciphobia, or rather, the fear of lists. 10. Necrophobia Zombies, mummies, frankenstein, vampires…people always seem to fear those that are dead, undead, or otherwise not living. Necrophobia, or the fear ...

Karla News

Common Phobias: Descriptions and Statistics defines phobia as an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation. According to , 1 in 23 people suffer from phobias, which is almost 4.25 percent of the overall population. Agoraphobia is an unreasonable reason for anxiety associated with unfamiliar surroundings or situations, this phobia ...