Articles for tag: ACL, ACL Injury, Acl Surgery, Wound Care

Karla News

Home Care Tips After Dog ACL Surgery

Now that your dog has had its ACL surgery and has returned home, its time to address what to expect while caring for your dog. Here you find some of my helpful tips about wound care, eating and drinking, going potty and more. Wound care: Wound care is an important part of any recovery. The ...

Karla News

NBA Player Missing ACL’s in Both Knees

Dejuan Blair of the San Antonio Spurs is a 6’8″ center with no ACL’s (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in either knee. Yes, you read it right, that was not a typo. Both of Dejuan Blair’s ACL’s are gone. Coming out of college, Dejuan Blair was expected to be a first-round pick until the doctors checked him ...

The 3 Most Common Football Injuries

Anyone who plays sports can be injured in the game, and football players are certainly no stranger to the risks. As fans we’ve watched players pulled from the field and heard of unlucky accidents in practice. While keeping hydrated, properly warming up and cooling down, and maintaining a balanced routine of strength training and stretching ...

Karla News

How to Choose a Knee Brace

When choosing a knee brace, there are several factors to take into consideration, the first being what type of injury you have. This is important as the right brace makes all the difference in a bad injury. Here is a breakdown of different braces and what they might be used for. Be sure to seek ...