Articles for tag: Acidity, Esophagitis, Glaxosmithkline, Zantac

Karla News

Different Types of Coffee Roasts

Coffee, that wonderful conduit for caffeine as well as keeping us warm on chilly days, had been around for centuries. Today it is a big business from mega chains (a Starbucks on almost every corner) to “mom and pop” places (Jitters in La Mesa, California). From one bunch of coffee beans, you can get a ...

Medicinal Benefits of Fenugreek

Introduction: Fenugreek, famously known as ‘Methi’ in Hindi and ‘Venthayam’ in Tamil, it has amazing medicinal benefits. Fenugreek is commonly known plant from Mediterranean, comes from the third largest family of ‘flowering plants’. Fenugreek is a better known herbal treatment option to induce milk production in new mothers. How many of us know that it ...