Articles for tag: 401k, 401k Loan, 401k Plan, First Time Home Buyers

Understanding 401k Loan Rules

Understanding 401k loan rules is important to those faced with a need for cash and considering the idea of tapping a 401k retirement account. Many financial gurus maintain that 401k retirement accounts serve the singular purpose of providing a source of retirement income and advise against taking either early withdrawals or loans from them. Nevertheless, ...

Karla News

How to Use Your 401K to Consolidate Your Own Debt and Live on One Income

Conventional wisdom tells us never to touch our 401K accounts until retirement – but conventional wisdom, as we know, can be wrong. So when might it make sense to withdraw your hard-earned savings before retirement? Conventional wisdom, again, would probably tell us to take it out only in emergencies. But there are situations when it ...

Karla News

401k Loans for Mortgage Down Payments

In this day’s real estate economy, buying a house can draw pretty heavily on your income. When you look at it on the other hand, in this day’s real estate economy it could be a great idea since land prices and real estate prices in general are lower than they normally are. When it comes ...

How to Request a Hardship Loan Against Your 401K

The 401k retirement plan is a special type of account that invests in different asset classes such as stocks, mutual funds, and bonds, which are not taxed on any interests, dividends or capital gains when withdrawn on maturity. Although the main purpose of 401k account is to secure financial solvency for the retirement years, for ...