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Summertime Outdoor Games Kids and Adults Can Play Together

Buried Treasure, Outdoor Games, Something Blue

As summer approaches, it’s time to come out of hibernation and head outdoors for some family fun. After months of being stuck indoors the kids are sure to be excited to get outside and play some games. Parents are likely feeling the cabin fever brought on by winter as well and may wish to join their kids in some summertime fun. Here are some games that kids and adults can play together this summer.

Classic Outdoor Games”

Many classic outdoor games can be played by children and adults. Here are some examples of classic games you can play with your kids this summer.

Ring Toss – All you need is a stake and some “rings” to toss. Horseshoes would work just as well.

Kick Ball – You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy this classic outdoor game. Kick ball is played just like baseball only you use one large rubber ball which you kick rather than hit with a bat.

Mother May I? – This classic game is best played outdoors where you have more room. The adult can play the part of the “Mother” who instructs the children to take steps, or hops, towards her. For example the “Mother” could say “Take five baby steps towards me.” or “Take two bunny hops towards me.” Meanwhile the child she speaks to must reply with “Mother may I?” before proceeding, otherwise they are kicked out of the game. The last child standing or first child to reach “Mother” wins.

“On the Hunt Outdoor Games”

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Treasure Hunt – If your kids are in the mood for some adventure this summer you can engage them in a game of treasure hunt. The parents’ participation in this game is drawing up a map and burying the treasure throughout the yard. You can leave small mounds of dirt where each treasure is buried to make it easier for the kids to find the buried treasure. Or you could mark the area around the buried treasure as another way of giving your kids a hint. The actual treasures can be things like marbles, beaded necklaces, quarter machine toys, coins, and other small objects.

Scavenger Hunt – What could be more fun than going on a scavenger hunt? Scavenger hunts can be simple or hard depending on the “clues”. Simple clues would be “Find something blue.”, “Find something soft.”, or “Find something shiny.” Harder clues could be made up using a combination of two easy clues “Find something blue and shiny.” You can divide the teams up with one adult and one child per team. Whoever finds the most items or finds them all first wins.

Hide and Seek – The ultimate hunting game has always been “hide and seek”. One player is the counter who must cover their eyes while the others hide. The player who is found first becomes the counter during the next round. Adults can easily participate in a game of hide and seek, either as an individual game or as a team game with their child.

“Summer Barbeque Games

Egg Relay – Two spoons, one egg, are the basics of the classic egg relay game. To play a game of egg relay with adults and children you can have the adults line up in a row and the children line up in another, facing each other. Give each child a spoon with a boiled egg and have them race to their adult partner meanwhile trying not to drop their egg. The first one to reach their assigned adult wins. Then you play again allowing the adult to carry the egg on the spoon back to the child.

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Three Legged Race – The three legged race is a classic summer barbeque game where two people tie one of their legs to the other and race to the finish line. This game can be played by both adults and children though I would not recommend mixing the two unless the child is older or the adults understand that they need to keep pace with the child and not the other way around.

Water Balloon Toss – Looking for a way to cool down at your summer barbeque? A game of water balloon toss may be just what you need to cool off during the warm summer months. Two people stand within feet of each other and one tosses their water balloon over to their partner who in turns catches the balloon. If they are successful they each take one step back and repeat. If they aren’t successful the water balloon bursts and someone has just managed to cool themselves off meanwhile being kicked out of the game. The last dry pair is the winner. Kids and adults can play this game together or separated by age group.

Hopefully these ideas will inspire you to head outdoors for some fun with your kids this summer. Whether barbequing or just enjoying one of the endless sunny days you and your children are sure to have some fun when playing one of these fun outdoor games.