Karla News

Summer Wedding Make-up Tips

Make Up Tips, Mineral Make Up, Waterproof Eyeliner

There is nothing more beautiful than a bride on her wedding gown walking down the aisle. All eyes are on you and everybody is waiting to see you radiant. It is so important to find time for a bridal beauty treatment that should start at least 2 weeks before the wedding.

The first thing is to take care of your smile. There are a lot of different options to whiten your teeth; no matter if you choose to go to your dentist or to do it with a home kit, it is very important that after you whiten your teeth you stay away from dark drinks until your wedding day. A short list could be red wine, dark cola, grape juice, coffee, dark tea, etc.

It is also a good time to think about your skin. If you are having your wedding or the reception outdoors and during the day-afternoon hours you need to have a tan, nothing dramatic but a nice tan at least 4 tones darker than your beautiful haven’t seen the sun all winter self. Again there are tanning salons, self tanners that come in a wide variety like lotions, sprays, cloths, etc. Or you can just go outside for an hour everyday if you have the chance. Stay away from orange looking tanners, if you haven’t use a self tanner before this is not the moment to start, go with what you know works for you or what you have tried in the past.

It is also important to start preventing break outs. All the stress may cause your skin to break. Be sure to wash your face twice a day, and remove the entire make up before going to bed, everyday. Try and stay away from fast food, sugar, and greasy food.

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Groom your eyebrows. Eyebrows are one of the most important features on your face. If you are good at grooming them do it yourself. If you have never done it and can afford it go to a salon, please make your first visit at least a month before the wedding that way if you are not please with the results you will have time to grow them again. If your eyebrows have a great shape but the problem is that the hairs are too long and you don’t want to trim them, use hair spray or hair gel. Put a dab of hair gel or spray on eyebrows brush (even a soft toothbrush would do) and brush your eyebrows with it.

Don’t do your own make up. I know you are great at make up and you know your face better than anyone else, but this day you are going to be nervous, excited, stress, and it is better to leave the hair and make up to someone else. If money is an issue, find a friend or a family member that is good with make up and that you trust.

First decide what kind of look you are going for. A natural look is usually the best way to go; you don’t want to hide your features under 2 pounds of make up and 6 different colors. The most beautiful brides are the ones with radiant skin, white smile and a fresh look. Once you have the skin tone that you wanted go to the make up counter of your choice and buy everything you are going to need for that day. Mineral make up is perfect, it is easy to apply, non greasy, covers blemishes and it looks natural. Start by using a moisturizer with SPF over the face, and a lip conditioner. Let the moisturizer set for about 8 to 10 minutes. Now is time for the mineral make up. When you purchase your mineral make up make sure and ask for tips on how to use the specific brand you are purchasing. Take advantage of the knowledge the sales associates have and tell them you want this make up for your wedding day.

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When planning your make up remember that your eyes are important. You are going to be photograph and flashes and lights will wash you down some. Make sure and use a waterproof eyeliner and mascara, try and avoid black, it is better to go for browns if you want a darker look, but if you want something fun and fresh there are many different shades to pick from, but stay away from reds.

Practice your make up until it is perfect. Make your friend write down the directions step by step so she can take a quick look in case she gets nervous as well. She will be in charge of any retouches you might need during your wedding day. So ask her to carry with her your make up bag so she can do a quick fix if you need one. Remember no one is going to tell you if your lips are pale or if your face is shiny, you need someone whose job is to let you know how your make up is and have something at hand to fix it for you.

More important of all is to relax and smile. Enjoy your moment to shine and the day you are sharing with the love of your live.