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Star Trek: Stargazer – the Gauntlet

Captain Picard

The Gauntlet was written by Michael Jan Freidman. This is part of the star trek stargazer series which currently is a series of six books. This one is the very first installation of the series. This series is actually a sequel to the valiant which is also have been written by this same author.

In this book, we meet Captain Picard whom is new to being the captain of the Stargazer. He had taken over when the previous captain had died and he was named the successor since he was the next in line. If you know anything about Star Trek: The Next Generation, you would know that Captain Picard was the Captain of the Enterprise in TNG. There was one episode in the series that shows his connection with the Stargazer.

What is the Book About?

Picard is given an impossible assignment of tracking down the White Wolf and his stolen cargo. He is expected to fail. I have read this book from beginning to the end so I know what happened in the book. I am giving you what the book is about, but I am not going to give the plot away.

Is the Book Worth Reading?

The book is worth reading if you like star trek. If you like TNG, there is only one character you know; Picard. You don’t need to know star trek to like this book. This book is more of a character development book. You meet and feel for the characters. Some of the characters bring in a lot of baggage and in many cases, the character grow.

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Is There Any Criticism?

There is a description of Picard that is all wrong. The way the author had written Picard, he had a full head of hair. Everything in the TNG series points to Picard always being bald like in the movie Nemesis.

Were there Any Action Scenes?

Of course there were some action scenes which are what everyone comes to know in Star Trek. It would not be Star Trek if there were not any action scenes. There really were only two action scenes; one involved the ship itself as they were going through a dangerous part of space and the other had to do with a few shipmates and the problems that they had with each other. There were even parts that actually gave me a chuckle as it is something we would find to be faced today.

Regardless, if it is Star Trek or not, people face the same issues. The author did a great job of making the book as realistic as he could possibly be. If you are looking for a book to enjoy, check this book out.