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Standing Stretches for Patellar Tendonitis


Standing stretches are crucial when you have patellar tendonitis. You may not want to do any stretches because you are in pain, but the lack of stretching will lead to stiffness and even more pain. Even though standing stretches can be very painful at the beginning they will eventually make your patellar tendonitis pain decrease in time. These stretches that will be performed while standing are designed to strengthen the patellar tendon. They have really helped my tendonitis and that has really changed my life.

The Calf Stretch

When you begin the Calf Stretch you will need to face a wall with your arms braced against it. Then slide your right foot behind your left foot as far back as you can without lifting your heel from the floor while keeping your right leg straight. Your left knee will need to be bent. Hold this position for about ten seconds. Then reverse the positions and repeat the Calf Stretch ten times on each side to stretch both calves.

The Wall Squat

To do the Wall Squat stretch you must place your entire back against a wall while keeping your feet about ten inches from the wall and about twenty inches apart as well. Then begin to gradually sit down against the wall until you notice a stretch in the front of your thighs. Hold this position for ten seconds then gradually rise to return to the standing position. Do the Wall Squat ten times. It is best to do this exercise with a pair of shoes on so you will be able to have traction so you will not slip and fall down when you begin to sit down against the wall.

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The Lunge

You should do the Lunge on an exercise mat in case you lose your balance and fall while you are lunging down. Place the exercise mat next to a sturdy table or counter that you can hold onto so you can steady yourself in case you begin to lose your balance. You can even hold on to the table with one hand to stay steady during the Lunge if you have always have trouble with your balance during this stretch. Stand with your back straight in the middle of your exercise mat with your feet about six inches apart. While still continuing to keep you back straight step out and bend you legs. The heel of the foot behind you should be off of the floor, when you step, but the knee behind you should not touch the floor. The leg in front of you will be bent in nearly a ninety degree angle. Gradually rise back to your initial position. Do the Lunge ten times on each side.

Toe Ups

Place your hand on a sturdy table or your kitchen counter to balance yourself while you do the Toe Ups. Stand straight with your feet completely on the floor and about twenty inches apart. Lift your self up on your toes while keeping your back perfectly straight. Do not rise up so far that your knees lock. Hold this position for ten seconds. Then gradually lower your heels to the floor. Do the Toe Ups ten times.

Quadriceps Stretch

Position yourself in front of a sturdy table or your kitchen counter. Put your left hand on the table to balance yourself. Take hold of your left ankle with your right hand while keeping your back completely straight. Grasp and draw the ankle forward in the direction of your back until you notice a stretch in your thigh. Hold this position for ten seconds. Reverse ankles and repeat ten times on both sides to stretch each thigh thoroughly.

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These stretches should be done every day to keep your knees limber. If you find that doing a certain stretch ten times is too painful, you should do it as many times as you can painlessly. Eventually, if you are persistent, you will be able to work your way to completing it ten times a day without pain.