Karla News

Sound Vibrational Healing


When I first heard this term, “Sound Vibrational Healing,” and had it explained to me by a friend I thought the world was going crazy. Healing with sound? I’d been suffering from some physical ailments and my friend told me that these could be healed using this technique of sound. I learned that our bodies are made up of 70 percent water making it an extremely excellent conductor for sound. This makes the body a “self-healing instrument.” We’re all pre-programmed genetically to heal ourselves.

With the right type of music we can bring our bodies back into a state of balance, harmony and deep relaxation. We heal the best when we are deeply relaxed and music helps us do this by changing our neurological structure and brainwave patterns. Science has shown that our minds become activated and we release more endorphins when sound is applied. Music helps us to alleviate pain, manage stress, enhance memory and promotes an overall sense of physical well being.

I decided to give it a try. My friend introduced me to a lady who had a “gift.” She had been in a major car accident and had woken up with the gift of sound. In Sound Vibrational Healing instruments such as crystal singing bowls are usually used to transmit sound into the body. This healer I went to see was able to do this with her voice.

The healings would last between three and four hours. She’d have me lie down and place crystals on my back along my spine. There are seven “energy” centers located along the spine called “chakras.” The purpose of Sound Vibrational Healing is to align these chakras so that healing can take place on a spiritual level and then on a physical level. It is believed that when the subtle body, or spiritual body, is not in tune it manifests in physical illness. Our emotions have a significant effect on our physical well being. Negative emotions will cause an imbalance in the chakras and manifest in certain diseases since each chakra correlates to a specific part of the body.

See also  The Dog Chakras

Before each healing began she would ask me if I accepted the Christ light. She would not perform these healings if you weren’t willing to accept them. Having these healings brings up a lot of issues from the past that must be forgiven so that the chakras can begin to align themselves. Once the crystals were placed she made a connection with spirit. She would hold each crystal and sing to transmit sound into the body. Listening to her voice was the most amazing thing I’d ever heard.

A lot of my emotional issues from the past were brought up and I learned to forgive them and the people involved in those issues. In doing this I began to see positive changes in my life physically, emotionally and spiritually.
