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Snowy Egret Facts

The snowy egret, egretta thula, is a familiar heron of the Americas. They stand nearly 2 feet (0.6 meters) and measure 18.7 to 27.5 inches (47.5 to 70 centimeters) long. Their wingspan is an impressive 37.7 inches (96 centimeters) from wingtip to wingtip and they weigh 12.7 to 13.4 ounces (360 to 380 grams). A snowy egret has an all-white plumage, a thin, black bill as well as slender black legs that have a yellow stripe on the back. Breeding males and females develop long, thin, wispy feathers along the neck, back, breast and even a short, shaggy crest on the back of the head. A non-breeding or juvenile snowy egret has a pale grayish base to its lower mandible along with duller, greenish-yellow feet.

The snowy egret can be found across both North and South America. They will nest in both inland and coastal wetlands, usually building their nests in a woody shrub over shallow water. These nests are flat, shallow platforms of sticks that are placed 9.8 to 32.8 feet (3 to 10 meters) above the ground in a woody shrub or mangrove tree. This bird will nest in dense colonies (which may contain different heron species such as the great blue heron and the great egret), building their nests as close as 3.2 feet (1 meter) away from that of another heron. The North American population will migrate during the winter.

The diet of a snowy egret consists of fish, crustaceans, frogs, rodents, lizards, snakes, insects, snails and worms. They forage for food using a variety of techniques such as standing perfectly still until prey comes close enough that they can reach out and catch it with their long bills. Another strategy is to use a series of rapid, frantic movements to startle or surprise their prey out of hiding. This may include walking quickly, flicking their wings, hovering and dipping their bills while in mid-flight as well as using their feet to stir up the ground.

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Breeding season for the snowy egret takes place at different times of the year depending on location. Males will show up at the breeding grounds first to both establish a display and nesting territory. Males will court females by first circling in the air and then landing on a perch where it will proceed to point its bill upwards, moving its head up and down while making a “Wah” call. At the height of the breeding season, the yellow feet and bright yellow bare skin that is located between the eyes of a snowy egret will become richer in color, usually with a reddish or orange tinge. Females will lay 2 to 6 eggs and incubate them for 20 to 24 days before they hatch. Both parents will feed the chicks regurgitated food. The chicks fledge (learn to fly) at around 30 days of age and will usually breed by the next breeding season. If the chicks can survive long enough, then they can live to be up to 16 years old.

The snowy egret was once almost hunted to extinction for their feathers. Even though they are now protected and have recovered a little, they still face many threats such as habitat loss and pesticide poisoning. Hopefully, these birds can overcome their obstacles and regain their once healthy population. After all, such a unique heron species deserves to live and prosper for future generations to see.

Works Cited

“Snowy Egret” 1 July 2011

“Snowy Egret (Egretta Thula)” 1 July 2011

“Snowy Egret” 1 July 2011

“Snowy Egret” 1 July 2011