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Snowball Games for Kids

Bocce, Games for Kids

Weather permitting, it’s great for the kids to spend time outdoors even in winter months. If you live in an area that gets snow, you can use this to your advantage to keep your kids occupied. Following are some ideas I’ve come up with for snowball games for kids.

We live in an area that gets snow, so my kids can’t ride their bikes, skate or many of the other things they enjoy doing when the road and yard are snow-free. They get bored with just “playing in the snow”. My kids enjoy making snowballs, but what can you do with a pile of these projectiles without the risk of the kids getting hurt? Play some snowball games for kids.

Snowball drop. This game is similar to the party game where you drop the pencil into the bottle. Instead, you must get the snowball over a line drawn in the snow. The trick is, as in the party game, the kids need to hold the snowball between their knees and carefully walk to the line before allowing the ball to drop. The game is meant to be played with two or more kids (or adults) and see who can cross the line first.

Target practice. Using a large box to cut out a circle for a target. Let your kids color in different colored rings with markers. Using a different color marker, let your kids write numbers for a score for each ring. You can lean the target against the side of the house (away from windows) or let the kids build a snow wall to lean the target up against. Then the kids can take turn throwing snowballs at the target to see who can get the highest total score.

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Snowball baseball. Rather than using a baseball, let the kids hit snowballs with a bat. Instead of running bases when they hit the snowball, the kids get a score every time they actually hit the snowball with a bat. Since the snowball should break apart when hit with the bat it should be easy to keep score.

Snowball bocce. Have you ever played bocce ball? For the snowball version, use a small colored ball such as a racquetball or a tennis ball as the target ball. Toss the target ball out into the yard. The child who gets a snowball closest to the target ball wins. To tell snowballs apart, push a small object into each snowball. You can use buttons, a different color for each child. To find out whose snowball is closest to the target ball, check the object in the snowball.

Snowball games for kids. Let your kids have some fun playing in the snow outside using some of these ideas or variations that suit your family. Maybe these can give you ideas to make your own snowball games for kids.