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SNL — 10/13/07 — Bon Jovi & Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters

Opening / Amy Poheler in High School — A sweet sketch, with Amy doing some nice work playing herself. Being the same age and having gone to college in Boston like Amy, I have to wonder if she didn’t base her character a bit on the high haired girls from “Reveah” that spent time at the dance clubs in Kenmore Square.

Score: 8

Monologue: Obvious jokes with a lame Bon Jovi song. Ehh……

Score: 2

Ohhhhhhhhhhh — Funny sketch, unlike many of their game show parodies. Loved how the jokes built in being funny, instead of starting out funny and getting stale.

Score: 7

Al Gore Awards

The sketch would have been funnier had Al been playing off of someone else (like Hilary or Bill) instead of talking to the audience. The awards were pretty funny, though. Especially World’s Greatest Dad.

Score: 6

People Getting Punched Just Before Eating

Someone please put Andy Samberg out of our misery. Hasn’t a sketch like this been done on the Internet before? It’s really not funny when you know it’s all an act. I admit I did laugh at the Foo Fighters bit though.

Score: 2

Dane Cook MLB Advertisement

I hate Dane Cook, and this was a brilliant take on his inanity.

Score: 7

La Rivista Della Televisione con Vinny Vedecci

As a rule, I find the foreign talk show spoof on SNL to be a lame and lazy sketch. This one sort of fits the mold, but I’ll have to admit that Bill Hader made me laugh with his cluelessness. The Blaze Cigarettes for kids bit was amusing.

Score: 5

Weekend Update

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I miss the days of one person doing update. Amy and Seth don’t seem comfortable reading the jokes, and they don’t seem anywhere near as polished as Dennis Miller, Chevy, my favorite Norm MacDonald, or even Brad Hall. Weekend Update needs timing, attitude, and someone who can handle a joke that bombs.

Score: 4

Science Fiction Sketch — Lost Purse


Score: 2

Dane Cook (Take 2)

Still funny.

Score: 8

NBC & Notre Dame

The truth hurts, and its funny.

Score: 7

Iconoclasts — Bjork & Barkley

It probably seemed funnier on paper than it did on screen. I have to wonder why SNL continues its long streak of refusing to parody almost any show that people watch. Surely they could get more assured laughs out of a parody of Grey’s Anatomy, 24, or some other show.

Bon Jovi

Huh? Who is the musical guest here? What the heck is Jack Nicholson doing here? Why doesn’t he host?
Why is everyone standing on stage already. This is almost like the U2 gig, except nothing like it. Why not give the Foo Fighters another song? This lame song sounds like John Mellencamp filtered through Springsteen by a Bon Jovi impersonator.

Score: 2


Neither Bon Jovi nor the Foo Fighters seemed to have much of a presence on the show. The episode was more a combination of mild smiles and chuckles than laugh out loud funny. The show seems to be on autopilot this season. Not awful, but not very funny either.

Overall Score: 6