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Signs of a Dysfunctional Relationship

Are you or anyone you know in a dysfunctional relationship? If so, would you do anything to get yourself out of that relationship or would you tell someone that the relationship they are in isn’t healthy? Many people can’t tell if the relationship they are in is healthy or not. The definition of a dysfunctional relationship is considered to be a relationship that causes more emotional turmoil than satisfaction. Unless these issues are figured out and confronted early, they can turn into bigger problems such as physical or mental abuse. A dysfunctional relationship is not healthy for ANYONE, so if you think you are in one – you either need to solve the problems quickly or get out now!

There are many warning signs that you arein a dysfunctional relationship. These warning signs and a description of each are listed below:

1) Imbalance Of Power: If you feel like you are the only person in the relationship doing any type of emotiona lwork, then you have imbalance of power. It may seem like your partner makes no effort in keeping you happy, or may always just want to argue – or may even just give you the silent treatment.

2) Addictive/Obsessive Attitude: If one of the partners seems overly obsessed with themselves or the other partner, then they have developed an addictive attitude. If it is with themselves, they will be very into how they look, and being noticed all the time. If it is with the partner, they will be doing things such as going through text messages, calling every five minutes, or trying to control what the partner does.

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3) Felling Cornered: You may feel tricked into doing something that you can’t get yourself out of. For example, going places you dislike all the time only because your partner wants to go. You may feel threatened if you decide niot to go,or if you decide to leave early.

4) Tensions Show Up Regularly: Little things may cause you or your partner to blow up. For example ,not washing the dishes when they want them to be washed, missing a favorite t.v. program, etc…

5) Feelings Of Frustration: It IS normal for a relationship to have frustrations, but if it seems like every day a new frustration is popping up… it is time for you to go.

6) Inferiority/Superiority Complex: Every relationship should be EQUAL! One partner should not feel like they are more or less than the other. Neither partner should compare themselves with the other.

7) Being Unsure and Insecure: You may decide not to d oanything because you feel like you will do it wrong, or you think that it may cause you and your partner to fight. You feel insecure with your relationship, like you aren’t as good as your partner and that he/she maybe planning on leaving you.

8) Constant Unhappiness: If you are depressed when you are with your partner, or even just sad being around them… then you are experiencing unhappiness in your relationship.

9) Emotional Blocks: Distrust, manipulation, jealousy, and disrecpect are just a few of the things that come with emotional block sin a unhealthy relationship. If you experience ANY of these, your relationship is on its way to the end.

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If you are experiencing any of the above in your relationship, then your may need to reevaluate. Address the situation with your partner and take it from there!