Karla News

Scientology’s Hate Site – Religious Freedom Watch

Religious Freedom

I have question for all the priests, rabbi’s and pastor’s and others who will read this. Why would you allow a group who calls itself a religion to create a web site that claims to speak for and represent all religions?

Have you seen this website? If not please go take a long hard look. Its hate speech disguised as protecting all religions. It should outrage you and disgust all who read it.

Religious Freedom Watch pretends to be for all religions, yet to any reader its clear its a site meant to slam those who dare speak out against Scientology. They give little info on every religion except for Scientology which seems to take up most of the space.

They warn readers about certain people. In fact they warn readers about 35 different people. Yet each one of these people are critic’s of Scientology. 35 people who’s only real crimes are that they were brave enough to speak out against the actions of Scientology.

Even what they do print is full of half truths and out right lies.

Church’s and other religious buildings are attacted every year. Many are hurt or even killed by those who attact them over their religion. Why are there no listings for the people who attact other religion’s on this site?

This web site is part of what Scientology calls ” Fair Game”. Google ” Scientology Fair Game” and you will get over 600,000 hits on the subject. Then look at this site again. Its Fair Game at its worse.

See also  Religion in Colonial America

Read this site that’s lists your religion by name as if you were are part of it. Ask yourself if you want your religion or church tied to this extreme and hateful site. Because it is hate speech. Ask yourself if you want to be connected to speading lies about people you have never heard of.

Does your faith tell you to do this to people if they disagree with you? Would you put this kind of site up to hurt the ex members of your chuch who saw something wrong and wished to change it for the better?

This hate site doesn’t defend its views, its only reason to exist is to trash and hurt people who disagree with them.

Scientology doesn’t believe in turning the other cheek, they believe the only free speech is their free speech They believe in destroying those who dare to speak out against them. There are many public and court records that have proven this time and time again.

Are you going to quietly sit and do nothing while a group that claims to be a church behaves this way? Have we learned any lessons from the past 65 years?

Let Scientology know how you feel about this site. Let the members of your church know someone is hurting people under the disguise of religion yet again.

Freedom of Religion doesn’t give anyone or any group freedom to do wrong. And this site is very wrong.

See for yourself,


Stand up and be heard.

See also  Haylee Donathan, Candace Watson Found at Twelve Tribes Ranch in California
