Karla News

Rumors Are Still Spreading About ‘General Hospital’s’ Cancellation

General Hospital

Fans celebrated when they heard the news that the “Revolution” was being cancelled. They frowned when they heard that an afternoon edition of “GMA” would be replacing the “Revolution” until September, until Katie Couric’s new reality, talk show would join the ABC line-up in the daytime hours. However, they still celebrated because article after article proclaimed that “General Hospital” was safe from cancellation, at least for a year, and would see its 50th anniversary.

However, last week ABC had their annual upfront meeting with their advertisers. After this meeting, more rumors are spreading. One of the biggest is that “General Hospital” is again facing cancellation. Some of these rumors are stating that this show could be facing cancellation as soon as September. The rumors are saying that “GMA,” could replace “General Hospital” and this would mean that ABC’s lineup in the daytime hours would be all talk, and reality based programming. This would cheaper programming for them to produce.

Another rumor states that ABC is giving their affiliates an option to carry “General Hospital” or “GMA.” This rumor was stated on one or two sites, as well as blogs.

Yet, this writer doesn’t really believe that these rumors are true. She doesn’t believe that ABC would have gone out of their way to revamp “General Hospital” as they did, to cancel it. After all, adding all of these new writers and new characters had to cost them money. Plus, one can imagine the time they spent in negotiations. Would they do that just to cancel the show so abruptly?

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This writer also doesn’t believe that ABC would cancel “General Hospital” after it has improved in the ratings. Reports have stated that during the week of May 7 and May 11, of 2012, the show was in first place among viewers between the ages of 18 and 34. This is a key demographic. The show beat out “The Young and The Restless.” With time, fans say the show’s ratings will only improve.

There is the issue of ABC’s prime-time ratings. They have consistently gone down since the cancellation of “One Life to Live” and “All My Children.” ABC may not want to admit this in the media. However, they know that the number one reason for this decline is because of the cancellations of these shows. They must be smart enough to know what will happen if they cancel their last remaining soap opera drama and make these last remaining fans, angry.

Finally, there is the issue of giving the affiliates a choice of what program to air. This doesn’t make sense to this writer because why would they produce an expensive show like “General Hospital” and not want to benefit from the ratings from it?

Of course, ABC is known for cancelling their programs. They are also known for making bad business decisions. For this reason, it may not hurt for fans to write in to their affiliates and ask them to continue airing “General Hospital,” or even continue writing ABC.

While they are writing these letters, the fans should continue enjoying “General Hospital.” They should encouarge their friends to watch the show and even tweet about it to help draw attention to it. They should also try to remain calm, as hard as it may be to stay calm. Rumorus aren’t always true. These hopefully will fall into that category.

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