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Rosh Hashanah Crafts for Kids

High Holy Days, Jewish New Year

The first day of Tishrei marks Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. On this day, Jewish people observe the first of the High Holy Days. Rosh Hashanah is also a time that Jews celebrate G-d’s creation of the world and embark on personal paths of repentance. The holiday is deeply meaningful and a perfect time for parents to teach their children about Jewish customs. One of the best ways to celebrate and learn about Rosh Hashanah is through crafts inspired by the holiday.

Jewish Calendar

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the month of Tishrei, which is one of twelve months in the Jewish Calendar. The uniqueness of the Jewish calendar is characteristic of its importance in observing holidays, festivals and shabbat. Making a Jewish calendar can be a great learning craft for children.

The Jewish Calendar has twelve months, with Tishrei being the seventh month in the year. Your child can make their calendar using a standard month/calendar template with 35 squares. Using a traditional and Jewish calendar as guide, your child can mark the days of each month. Using stickers, markers and colored pencils, your child could add special occasions such as High Holy Days, the phases of the moon, other holidays, and birthdays to their calendar. In creating this useful and colorful Jewish calendar, your child will better understand days of the week, changes in seasons, and the dates of coming holidays.

Greeting Cards

Rosh Hashanah is the start of a New Year! And, like all other new years, you want to spread the cheer and the word. Making greeting cards for this High Holy Day is a wonderful way to get into the holiday spirit!

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All you and your child will need for making cute and clever Rosh Hashanah greeting cards are glue, paper, markers, glitter, stickers, scissors and paints. In making Rosh Hashanah cards, you and your child have think about the symbols for the holiday. Your children can make funny, cute or even clever cards adorned with apples, honey, trees, doves, and Jewish Symbols. The interior of the card can include a special greeting or wish for “L’shanah tovah” which is Hebrew for “a good year.

The Shofar

Considered both a day of judgment and the day of the creation of man, Rosh Hashanah is marked by a day of rest and by the sounding of the shofar (four times.) This unique instrument serves as a symbol of the Jewish people and their covenant with G-d. For young children, making a shofar can be fun and easy.

While most craft and discount stores won’t have a ram’s horn handy, there are many other ways to make your crafty wind instrument. For younger children, opt for the paper tube method, a coned birthday party hat. For older children, you may want to try the paper mache method. For the small children, simply shape your tube into a cone or just remove rubber and frills from the birthday hat. Once you have a cone shape, decorate! For more advanced children, take a wavy balloon and cover with paper mache. Once the paper mache dries, pop the balloon with a pin and remove it from the center of the paper mache. Add a cone shaped mouth piece and your child will have a very cleverly fashioned shofar to show and share.

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Tzedekah Box

Tzedakah is the Hebrew word for charity and it is fundamental Jewish mitzvah. At Rosh Hashanah, tzedakah is even more meaningful. Many Jewish homes have tzedakah boxes, and a wonderful way of teaching children the joy of giving is by having them create their own tzedakah boxes.

Tzedakah boxes come in all shapes and sizes. Some simply look like traditional piggy banks and others ornate boxes. For your child’s crafted box, they can use a shoe box, coffee can, cardboard sugar dispenser, or other containers with a lid. Have your child decorate the exterior of the container with traditional Jewish symbols, such as the shofar. Stickers, paper and paints are all good choices. Once their box is decorated, make sure that a hole or slit is cut in the lid. In the case of the sugar dispenser, you can simply expose the opening. With their box complete, give your child, depending on their age, real or toy coins to fill their box.

Rosh Hashanah is nearly here! With these and other craft ideas, you and your child can share the wonderful experience of the holiday and your child grow in their knowledge about the exciting traditions of the Jewish New Year.

For more crafts and instructions, visit the following websites:




Rosh Hashanah Craft Projects, Coloring Pictures,and Other Goodies