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Review of Leonardo DiCaprio in “Inception”

Leonardo DiCaprio

No matter what movie Leonardo DiCaprio is in, even with a poorly written script, it’s worth seeing! The level of intensity in DiCaprio’s acting makes him the “De Niro” of his generation. Leonardo has been a first class actor who has presented that level of intensity since he was a child actor in such greats as “This Boy’s Life” and “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”.

“Inception” is one of those “don’t even think about leaving for a bathroom break” movies. It’s hard enough to keep up with while you’re watching it with total focus. It does, however give you just enough explanations to keep you understanding the various levels of dreams. The small insightful mentions of how dreams work to the new dream kid, Ariadne, the dream architect, played by Ellen Page of “Juno” fame, comes in handy as you realize the effects that are shown in the promo trailers are happening for a physical reason.

We all have had experiences with how amazing some of our dreams can be and some of us perhaps even have pondered on the reality of dreams versus the “real world” and have wondered…which is real? Have you ever had dreams of flying? I can remember having this dream many times, and I even remember saying to myself in my dream, “Remember that last time I had a dream about flying? Well, all I have to do is wish real hard, and I will start flying again”, and surely enough, I realize that even as I would doubt in the real world, I begin to rise up into the air and almost consciously realize that I am actually flying. It is as if there are many times when we dream that we are experiencing a blend of reality and imagination.

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It’s amazing to think that someone (Christopher James Nolan) could actually sit down and write the story of this movie and include twists, surprises and an unexpected, yet leave you wondering about the ending.

Other reviewers have stated that “Inception” is too tangled up in effects and plot twists to be capable of following by the audience. Obviously, they may have taken that “bathroom break”!

Another excellent thriller, suspenseful and action packed winner from Leonardo…well worth seeing!

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_DiCaprio

Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1375666/