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Remington PG 200 (Personal Groomer): Product Review


In addition to the unpleasant task of shaving our beard areas on a regular basis, most of us men have to touch up our other face-places to stay neatly groomed: maybe a neckline, sideburn, eyebrow, or (eww) nostril. For this very purpose, Remington sells the PG 200, an affordable kit that addresses such grooming contingencies. Despite the low price of under $15 and its cheap plastic construction, the product is surprisingly durable and dependable. The Remington PG 200 is not meant to be a full daily shaver, but it’s ideal for the finer points of grooming: the attachments all work, it’s cordless, and it’s been grooming my face neatly for months.

PROS of the Remington PG 200 (Personal Groomer)

– My cordless personal groomer came with a charging base designed for a shelf or a bathroom vanity near an outlet. The grooming implement itself actually holds a charge for quite some time, and have gone well over a week without even plugging in the charger.

– The narrow trimmer attachment can be used for stray nosehairs and unruly eyebrows if you’re so inclined, whereas the wider trimmer can be used for the neckline or for sideburns. Several plastic guards snap onto the wider trimmer so that length can be maintained if desired. Options are more than adequate.

– The mini-electric shaver attachment is my favorite part of the personal groomer. As someone who shaves in the shower with a regular razor and a can of foam, I sometimes need a touch-up device after a post-shower mirror inspection. Rather than buying a full-on expensive electric shaver to buzz away anything stubborn, I just use the appropriate attachment on the Remington PG 200 to get whatever I missed.

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– The personal groomer comes with everything you need to round out grooming, including a little comb and even a little brush to clean out the blade.

– This thing costs under $15; you can’t beat that.

CONS of the Remington PG 200 (Personal Groomer)

– It is made of cheaper plastic, so you do have to be careful with the attachments so as not to break them when switching. My pieces have held up well over time, but that’s because I handle them carefully. I’m sure that people who are rough on the groomer might encounter frustration with pieces breaking.

– The model I have is not travel-friendly, as there’s no carrying case and the groomer can get switched on easily, causing your travel bag to start vibrating (it’s happened to me). If you need to groomer-to-go, look at Remington’s variations on this model, as some come with a travel case instead of a home base.

– The charging base has built-in storage for the other attachments, but it doesn’t hold everything very firmly. I usually end up dumping everything into the back compartment of the holder rather than trying to keep everything neatly arranged. In other words, the charger is just a charger, even though they’ve tried to make it into a cheap display rack.

In short: The Remington PG 200 provides buzz for the buck: it’s great for home use, and it has all the basic attachments you need to make your facial grooming complete.