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Reasons to Make a Gratitude List

Making a gratitude list is a form of meditation and prayer. It simply does not matter what is at your core in regards to religion or spiritual principles. When you make a gratitude list, you are are doing so with an intention and that intention will inevitably transcend into energy that the Universe will work with. I understand that sometimes the last thing you want to do is express gratitude. Occasionally I feel as though the world does not deserve my gratitude, but who am I to make a statement so bold. Here are some reasons why you should make a gratitude list with intention every single day of your life.

1. The Law of Polarity
The universe works in such a magnificent way. It is divine in the way it unfolds at any given moment throughout your life. The universe has laws that it will always abide by, whether you like it or not. Just like the laws of physics, there are laws of the Universe. The law of polarity states that the universe functions in a way that provides an intrinsic polar separation. In laymen terms, this means that where there is good, there is bad in an equal amount. There has to be because it is a law. By expressing your gratitude for what you have, who you love, where you live, etc., you are focusing on the pole that you want to exist in your life. If you are not living in a grateful manner, that means that you are paying more attention to what you do not have, who you are not with, and where you are not living. Write a gratitude list every night because the pole that you focus on is what you will bring forth into your life: good or bad.

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2. What You Think About You Bring About
Some people love to hear this and other people hate it, but the way your life is today has been manifested by your thoughts and your energy. Focus on your thoughts because if you think about all of the aspects of your life that you are unhappy with, you will bring more of it towards you. Making a gratitude list every night will get you into the habit of thinking good thoughts. The natural progression of thinking good thoughts is the ability to accompany good feelings with good thoughts. Once this happens, you will be bringing more of what you are grateful for in your direction.

3. Review Your Day
It is easy to lay in bed at the end of a day and ponder all of the things you could have done differently. Reviewing your day is important so that you can learn and grow and progress further towards your purpose on earth. Making a gratitude list will help you to review your day in such a way where you continue to be grateful even through the events you may not have been proud of. You can be grateful for the lessons that are available to you or you can beat yourself up for all of the things you can’t change. Once again, it is your choice. Making a gratitude list will help you to see the good in places that you doubt it exists.

Expressing gratitude for the life that you are blessed to be living is a simple way to live a spiritual life. A daily practice will help you to grow in the direction you choose. Going to sleep with a head full of gratitude will have a drastic affect on your life in a way that you cannot even imagine. Your lists will get longer because as you experience gratitude, you will attract into your life more things to be grateful for every day.