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Reasons for Not Using Foul Language

Bathroom Humor

Curse words are meant to express anger, disgust or condemnation of something. To use such as adverbs or adjectives to describe or comment on everything such as ” I had a #**%@ time last night.” or “That movie was so #!%##” or ” Hey M***! F***! how are you doing?” is considered by most people to be lazy speech and causes the user to appear to be uneducated.

Use of foul or obscene language at inappropriate times or places can taint your reputation, cost you friendships, or even ruin your chance at advancement in a career. If you care about your reputation clean up your language.

Is it OK to use such “colorful” expletives when I slam my finger in a door or if someone really makes me mad? No. Even if your speech is normally clean and sweet at all other times, allowing yourself to explode under pressure can harm your relationships. Coworkers and team mates may not wish to associate with you when the stakes are high fearing setting off an explosion. You’ll be more of an asset and a better friend if you can keep your cool when under pressure.

Filthy talk about what you did with someone. This is really bad. It is disrespectful to the other person and tells others you may have low moral standards. If overheard by a supervisor at work may cause them to not trust your integrity or ability to keep a confidence.

What if you want others to know you are tough and mean business? Tone of voice and body language can express all your toughness without resorting to cussing. Next time you need to point out the fact someone needs to get their head out of their a** try using anatomical terms combined with an appropriate controlled tone. Example: ” Remove you cranium from your rectal port. The recipient will know you mean business by your tone and body language but you will avoid looking uncontrolled.

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“I just don’t care what others think about my potty mouth, if you don’t like it you don’t have to listen.” This attitude may cause others to feel you think of yourself as being better then everyone else. As well as being stubborn and unwilling to change. In many work environments those showing an unwillingness to learn and grow are often skipped over when considering candidates for a training bonus or getting into an apprenticeship program.

Bad language can get you or your business into legal trouble. Certain forms of broadcast have strict rules on language and decency standards. If broken can lead to fines or lawsuits by governing agencies. Some businesses have decency policies that you must agree to. If set forth as a contract you sign prior to employment and you decide to “blow off steam” or be careless with your language and it results in loss of income for your employer such as losing a large account, you may find your self not only out of a job but on the wrong end of a lawsuit.

“Cursing is so common place in my work or industry why should I bother watching my language?” Being known for having clean language leads to being thought of as being clean cut and can give you that edge to stand out among the average.

“I like to make others laugh by telling dirty jokes.” Learn new material. There are so many hilarious stories that don’t include lewd comments or suggestive situations. The person who can tell a good clean story that leaves your sides aching from laughter is always welcomed at gatherings for all ages. The dirty joke teller or the person with bathroom humor wouldn’t be my first choice to liven up a dinner party, business meeting, or any other gathering of mixed company. By the way mixed company no longer refers just to when women are present it means whenever you have a diverse group of people regardless of age or gender.

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What about forwarding those kind of jokes on-line? If you absolutely must please be selective and don’t just send it on to your whole address book. And think twice before you send it to that friend who really likes that stuff. Aren’t you just feeding his bad habit. Why not break the cycle and try sending him the funniest clean jokes you can find.

If you are a role model such as a parent, teacher, or mentor of children, no matter what other lessons or values you wish them to learn they will copy your habits both good and bad. If bad language is a habit replace it with less offensive words or phrases. Try substitutions as a transition such as: flippin, cheese n crackers, oh my gravy, fudge cake, or some of my favorite phrases when you want to describe what will or did happen. “The whole thing was simply kahos under construction.” or “The defecation hit the rotating oscillator at maxim speed.”

No matter who you are or where you work, coming up with creative verb-age may not always open doors but let loose with a string of colorful expletives and they can slam shut in a hurry.