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Rachael Ray Sucks?

30 Minute Meals

I was watching an episode of Hollywood True Story on E! Network not that long ago which focused on the life of Food Network personality, Rachael Ray. Toward the end of the program, one of the segments focused on the negative aspects of her fame. Rachael expressed, regarding the website Rachael Ray Sucks (rrsux.com), that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Curious, I decided to take a look at the anti-fan site. It is essentially a blog site devoted to pointing out everything wrong with Rachael Ray – her shows, her wardrobe, her looks, and her personality. One of the rules for posting is that you must be “anti-Rachael”.

I have to agree with what Rachael Ray said on HTS; everyone is entitled to their opinions and the expression of such. As a matter of fact, I happen to also agree with some of the comments on the Rachael Ray Sucks blog. I watch Food Network programming regularly and occasionally find myself watching an episode of 30 Minute Meals or $40 a Day. Some of Rachael’s behaviors and mannerisms annoy me quite a bit. When that happens and I can’t take it anymore, I exercise my remote finger and find something else to watch.

But that’s really as far as it ever goes. My feelings about Rachael Ray, one way or the other, have not compelled me to create an entire internet community in which to discuss every aspect of her life.

I suppose the biggest mystery about Rachael Ray Sucks is why so many people, who claim to hate Rachael Ray so much, would still continue to watch every episode and read every news article about her. The more I read the entries, the more I felt as if some of the posters were truly obsessed with Rachael. It appeared as if some hung on her every word, and then turned around and complained about it on the blog. Turn the channel, anyone?

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Other entries smacked of jealousy and envy, particularly those that focused on the fact that Rachael Ray is not a true chef because she never completed culinary school but still became extremely successful in the culinary industry. Judging from the documentaries I’ve seen about Rachael Ray, it isn’t as if she just fell into success. She has had to go through quite a bit and has worked very hard to get where she is today. Stop hating, already.

At the end of the day, we do all have freedom of speech and the right to express our opinions. It may be worthwhile, however, to explore whether that expression is healthy or if it’s just time to turn the channel and get over it. Rachael Ray probably isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. If she annoys you, don’t watch her. It’s just that simple!
